Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Fall Swim Programs in our Area

The Wolverine Aquatics Club (WAC) is a new USAS Swim team and is offering a Fall Swim Program that runs out of Sierra College from September 8 – November 25, 2008.
WAC website is hosted as part of
Click here for a flyer for more info on their Fall program.
Note that space is limited and all participants must be evaluated prior to registering for the Fall Swim Session.
The evaluation dates are:

Tuesday, August 5 4:30-6:30 PM
Thursday, August 7 4:30-6:30 PM

California Capital Aquatics (CCA) is offering a Fall swim Program that runs out of the RAC from August 26 - November 23, 2008. CCA website is
Click here for more info on their Fall Program.

Other clubs that typically offer Fall programs is Johnson Ranch ( and Placer Aquatics (, but there does not appear to be information posted yet on their websites.

The Roseville Sugarbears and Woodcreek Seawolves stated their intentions last year on joining the NorCal league next summer (2009). The NorCal league rules for eligibility involving recreational swimmers participation with USAS and Club teams appear to be similar to VFCAL. The start date of the blackout period for participating with a USAS Team is February 1st.
Click here to view the full by-laws of NorCal.

For our swim families' convenience, here is the snippet from the NorCal rules (page 20) concerning swimmer's eligibility.

Section 11.03. Events Causing Ineligibility
(a) If, between the time period commencing on February 1 and continuing through the completion of all four conference championship meets, an individual:
(i.) Swims in any United States Swimming-sanctioned meet; or
(ii.) Participates in any stroke-and-turn clinic in February or which does not comply with Section 12.06; or
(iii.) Practices with, or competes for, any swimming team other than the swimmer's Team; then said individual shall be ineligible to register and participate (or continueparticipating, as the case may be) in the League swimming season occurring in said calendar year.
(b) For the period commencing February 1 and ending March 31 an individual shall be ineligible if that individual participates in any swim practice at the direction or supervision of any coach. For purposes of this section “direction” or “supervision” shall include anyoral or written directions given by a coach to a swimmer
(c) Sections 11.03(a) and (b) notwithstanding, an individual will remain eligible to participatein a League swimming season if the individual participates on any of the following teams atany time between February 1 and the end of the League's swimming season:
(i.) High school swimming teams;
(ii.) Intercollegiate (junior college, community college, college or university) swimmingteams;
(iii.) Water polo or synchronized swimming teams;
(iv.) Another Team of this League provided that either the individual’s participation islimited to attendance at stroke-and-turn clinics sponsored by said other memberTeams or the individual complies with Section 11.04 of these Bylaws;
(v.) A team which is a member of another recreational league, provided that said team hasnot practiced during the time period commencing on February 1 and running throughMarch 31, and further that the individual complies with Section 11.05 of theseBylaws.
(d) A participant who becomes ineligible after the League swimming season commences shall immediately cease participation in all League swimming meets remaining in the season. All points scored by the participant prior to the date of his ineligibility shall remain valid and in full force and effect. If a participant competes in a League meet while ineligible, all points scored by the participant and any relay of which the participant was a member shall be rendered null and void, and the participant shall be deemed disqualified from all said events.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

MoC Meet Entries for your review

Please click here to review the current MoC Meet entries that are to be submitted tomorrow night for the Sugarbears. If there are any additions or changes, please contact Coach Jordan ( or Stinky ( before noon tomorrow (Monday), July 28th.

Information on the MoC, including the schedule of the events over the two days can be found on the following site:

To simplilfy the registration process for our coaches the RSB Parents Club will be submitting a check for the MoC entry fees.

Also a quick thank you to those that have completed our Sugarbear Survey. We have received amost 30 surveys so far. It would be great if we could get 50% of our swim families to respond (at least 65 of the 130). So, if you have yet to fill one out, please take the 5 minutes to provide us with your feedback on this season. We take the feedback very seriously and is important for us to receive your feedback as input for the planning of next summer. Links to the on-line survey can be found on our Sugarbear website.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

True Champion and Record Breaker

The following article has been submitted to Roseville Press Tribune for their consideration.

A true champion is one that faces adversity, overcomes and excels.

Local Swimmer, Justin Sutter, has been an exemplary champion and record breaker for his recreational swim team, the Roseville Sugarbears.

Swimming for the Sugarbears since age 6, he was part of the dynasty that was both dual and VFCAL league champions for 14 straight years. In 2005, with an expansion to the Granite Bay Gators swim team, in which the entire coaching staff, parent board and 80% of the swim families exiting, Justin was one of only 30 swimmers returning as a Sugarbear.

Justin recalls “It was hard when most of my teammates left for the Gators, especially since a lot of us had known each other for so long. An era had definitely ended.”

While not the most desirable situation, Justin demonstrated leadership and stuck it out with the recreational program that is based at the Oakmont Community Pool. He has been a key contributor to the resurgence of the Roseville Sugarbears Swim Team. The Sugarbears now boast well over 200 swimmers that have been greatly inspired by Justin and his long-time friend and team mate, Nick Bennett. The Roseville Sugarbears have moved up each year within their league standings and took 3rd place this past weekend at the VFCAL Championships.

At the VFCAL Championships Justin set both a new Sugarbear Team record and VFCAL Meet record by posting a 21.76 in the 50 Free. Justin’s seed times for the 50 Backstroke and 100 Free would have been lower than the current VFCAL records had he swam those individual events. Instead, Justin unselfishly swam for his team in both the Medley and Free Relay and not the individual events.

While this is Justin’s last year of eligibility for recreational swimming, Justin made the best of the opportunity by setting new team records for all of the individual events of his age group (15-18 Boys). To break and hold all the records of a swim team of strong aquatic stature that has existed for over 40 years is quite an accomplishment.

Roseville Sugarbear Team Records (15-18 Boys)
50 Free
Justin Sutter

100 Free
Justin Sutter

50 Back
Justin Sutter

50 Breast
Justin Sutter

50 Fly
Justin Sutter

100 IM
Justin Sutter

Sugarbear President Jeff Huber shares “Our team was blessed to have Justin Sutter and Nick Bennett return this year. While it was a thrill to watch their performances, the real joy is in our younger swimmers being surrounded by such positive and inspiring role models”.

Justin’s mother Tammy explains “Justin, being rather shy, was flattered by all the enthusiasm from the younger swimmers and the kind words from their parents. Things like this make for lifetime memories and who knows, maybe someday, far in the future, Justin will be able to bring his own kids to the pool and see if they too, are Sugarbear material!”

The Sutter family motto being “"Once a Sugarbear, always a Sugarbear".

Tammy also adds “Many happy memories were made being a Sugarbear, both for Justin and ourselves. As his mom and team mom every year he swam, it was so fun to watch the boys grow each year, to go from throwing Lego's at each other as 6-and-unders, to flirting with and texting girls as 15-18's, and especially the camaraderie of being teammates.”

Justin is a 2007 graduate of Oakmont High School and placed top 10 in the 50 Free in section finals his senior year for the Oakmont High School Swim Team.

Justin Sutter swam this past year for Sierra College as a freshman and anchored their team’s 200 freestyle relay with a 21.0 split at the Big 8 Conference to help break the Wolverine’s school record (final record time of 1:25.87) and place 3rd in the Big 8.

Justin is using his swim skills as a lifeguard at Sunsplash this summer and is working on his Master Certification in Automotive Tech at Sierra College.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

MoC Practices and Info

Sugarbears who placed 10th or better at VFCAL Champs qualify for the optional Meet of Champions (MoC) which will be the weekend of August 2nd and 3rd.

Swimmers can also qualify by comparing their times to the MoC website.
Click here to access the MoC qualifying times and additional information concerning the MoC.

Sugarbear Practices for the MoC will be this week (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday) and all of next week (Monday through Friday) at Oakmont Community Pool with the following schedule:

9&Ups: 8:00am to 9:15am
8&Unders: 9:15 to 10:00am

Coach Jordan is working on the paper work and process for how swim families should enter. So, please stay tuned. We will share the additional information as soon as it becomes available.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Sugarbears Year End Survey and Board Positions

The Sugarbears hope you and your family had an enjoyable experience this summer.

For some final housekeeping on this season, please take a minute to fill out a season evaluation. Your feedback is very important to our board, coaches and City of Roseville Parks and Rec department.

Click here to fill out our survey online.
Completing a survey will also put your name in (if provided) for a drawing for a FREE 2009 swimmer registration fee.

Evaluation responses will be summarized and posted shortly after September 1st. We really value your feedback and strongly encourage you to fill out a survey.
Also, if you are interested in serving on next year's Sugarbears board, please contact any one of our existing board members. We would enjoy hearing from you. Our board typically meets once a month throughout the year. It is a very rewarding and enjoyable experience.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Champs Meet Results and Awards Program

Hello Sugarbears,

Our Meet results and related reports were posted yesterday, immediately after Champs!

Congratulations to all our Sugarbears who definately gave it their best and had some fantastic performances and times!

We moved up AGAIN this year within VFCAL!
The direction of this team is clear.
Click here to see the results by the age groups.

A reminder for tonight's Award Program.

Today, Sunday, July 20th at Oakmont Pool
Open Swim 6:00pm
Awards 7:30pm
Slide Show 9:00pm

Best wishes to our retiring sugarbears. We will miss you!

Alexandra Salatti
Lauren Thomas
Lindsay Mosbrucker
CJ Wilder
Cody Palmer
Nick Mater
Clay Molina

And best wishes to Nick and Justin who swam their final year in retirement

Justin Sutter
Nick Bennett

Lastly, if a Sugarbear placed within the Top 10 at VFCAL Champs, they qualify for the particular event for the optional Meet Of Champions (MoC), which will be held in August. Those qualifying can also select one additional event that they can enter. See our website for details.
In addition to the top 10, there are qualifying times listed for the MoC on their website.


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Orangevale Meet Results now available on-line

Some Super Heroes appear to have been in Action this past Saturday!!
Woo Hoo! Lots of Personal Bests which is a great way to get pumped and psyched for our upcoming Champs Meet.

The meet results and related reports from our meet with Orangevale have been posted and are now available on line.


Go Sugarbears!!!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

8&Unders Social has been moved to indoors, Rollerskating!!!

Due to the air quality, our 8&Under social previously scheduled tomorrow for Hillsborough park has been moved indoors.

So, our very own private Roller Skating party at Roller King (889 Riverside Ave) in Roseville, Thursday July 10th from 6-8pm.

Our 8&Unders are welcome to bring their own skates or in-lines.

Admission and roller skate rental will be covered.

If an 8&U Sugarbear wants to rent in-lines from Roller King, they will be available for $3.
Please don't forget to bring some socks!

A thank you and shoutout to our friends at Roller King for accomodating us on such short notice.
Hope to see you there!
Another reminder that our practice tomorrow (Thursday, July 10th) has been cancelled.

Monday, July 07, 2008

8&Under Social and Action Heroes Meet Theme Reminder

We hope everyone had a fun and safe fourth of July!

A reminder that this Thursday, July 10th at Hillsborough Park from 5-8pm is our 8&Under Social. If you plan to attend, please sign your RSVP within our family folder at the pool deck, so our social chairs have some clue as to how many Sugarbears plan to be there.

Also a reminder that this Saturday, July 12th, our meet theme with Orangevale is Action Heroes! So, be sure and sport a cape, mask, tights, crazy hat, t-shirt or pajamas. Whatever you see fit.

Narrator: Will the Caped Crusaders and the Teen Thunderbolts fall victim to the Tigershark's plot? The world is at stake. Stay tuned.

Go Sugarbears!