Monday, July 21, 2008

Sugarbears Year End Survey and Board Positions

The Sugarbears hope you and your family had an enjoyable experience this summer.

For some final housekeeping on this season, please take a minute to fill out a season evaluation. Your feedback is very important to our board, coaches and City of Roseville Parks and Rec department.

Click here to fill out our survey online.
Completing a survey will also put your name in (if provided) for a drawing for a FREE 2009 swimmer registration fee.

Evaluation responses will be summarized and posted shortly after September 1st. We really value your feedback and strongly encourage you to fill out a survey.
Also, if you are interested in serving on next year's Sugarbears board, please contact any one of our existing board members. We would enjoy hearing from you. Our board typically meets once a month throughout the year. It is a very rewarding and enjoyable experience.


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