Meet Results and reports from Auburn Meet now available on-line
Hot Stuff! That was some Disco Fever today!
Great job by the Sugarbear swimmers, as well as the Sugarbear parent volunteers starting the meet on-time and wrapping up our final home meet of the summer.
A shoutout and well wishes to our retiring Sugarbear swimmers, who have swam their final Sugarbear home meet at Oakmont Community pool:
- Allie Sallati
- Lauren Thomas
- Lindsay Mosbrucker
- CJ Wilder
- Nick Mater
- Cody Palmer
- Clay Molina
Lauren Thomas has graduated from high school, but is only 17 so is eligible to return next summer, if she chooses.
A thank you to our Head Snackbar Monica Busby, Grill Master Charlotte Johnson, Head ComputerOps Mike Hynes and their corresponding crews for an excellent job!! Well Done!!!
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