Tuesday, May 29, 2007

REMINDER: Swimmer, Team Pictures before Time Trials

Reminder: Swim Pictures will be taken Saturday June 2nd before Time Trials .

Pictures will include each swimmer's picture taken and once we finish these, we will take a Sugarbears Team picture.

Taking these pictures before Time Trials allows us to hopefully get the most individual swimmers picture taken as well as the most swimmers for our overall team picture. It's a process that requires lots of coordination and cooperation in order to get these done within an hour!

Spectrum Photography is our team photographer and they do a great job in the quality of pictures at a reasonable prices. (details have been put in family folder in terms of what is available and pricing)

In order to get all of this done before we start TT, it is imperative that:

* Photos start @ 7:30 am sharp
* Get there earlier; first come first serve and there will we a line (there will be 2-3 photographers snapping pictures)
* Have cash or check; no credit cards can be accepted.
* Line for pictures will be outside the fence behind Oakmont Pool's bleachers.
* No swimmers or parents will be allowed inside the pool; ensures nice background pool image and not a bunch of folks walking past.
* After picture has been taken, swimmers need to stay out of immediate pool area again to minimize potential of folks being in pictures background.
* Once all individual pictures have been taken, all swimmers picture will be taken for team picture. Swimmers, please make sure that you are in the area behind the bleachers so that we can get everyone quickly lined up.
* Make up picture dates and data for individual age/gender team photos date/time -- TBD

Any questions? Contact Carmen Morel @ 662-4300 or leave note in Morel Family folder

Monday, May 28, 2007

Podcast #23: Mary Tess Taylor Interview

Caution: Proud Dad Alert. Roseville Sugarbear Podcast interview of new Assistant Coach Mary Tess Taylor. Mary Tess is a long-time Sugarbear swimmer and also joins the Sugarbears coaching staff this summer. She is currently attending Sierra College and reached All-American status from her recent California Junior College State Finals by ranking within the top sixteen in the nation in all four of her events. She is pictured here holding her fourth place medal from State Finals. In this podcast Mary Tess shares her recent success and what it has been like for her growing up as a Sugarbear. Listen to this podcast by clicking here. A broadband internet connection is required. The podcast is 15MB in size and 16 minutes in length.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Swim-A-Thon Date Change

Attention Sugarbears:

After reviewing the schedule we have determined that it would be more beneficial to have the swim-a-thon earlier in the season so we have changed the date. The new date will be on Wednesday June 20th. That means it is only one month away. It is time to start collecting pledges so that we can make this our biggest and best swim-a-thon ever. Look for information this week in your family folders and if you have any questions please contact Jenifer Cox or Megan Hoppes. Their contact info can be found in our on-line roster. Thank you for your support!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

No evening Make Up practices this summer

Due to budget constraints, the City of Roseville will not be providing evening Make Up practice sessions this summer.

The City of Roseville made the decision prior to the start of the season, but it was an update that our Parent's Club did not previously catch and communicate out. Sorry.

We apologize for this limitation, inconvenience and late notice.

Our Sugarbear website had incorrect information posted within our "Workout Schedule" page showing Make Up practices beginning after June 11th. The page has now been corrected.

The City of Roseville will re-evaluate their decision after this season.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Sugarbears Fundraiser Dinner at Fresh Chioce Thursday 05/17/07

Dear Sugarbear Friends & Families,
This Thursday, May 17th is the Family Dinner Fundraiser at Fresh Choice in Roseville from 6-8pm. Fresh choice will donate 15% of your bill to the Roseville Sugarbears!

Simply present the Fresh Choice Sugarbear Fundraiser Certificate at the register. You can download a Fundraiser Certificate at http://www.freshchoice.com/flyers/roseville_sugarbears.pdf

You will also find some extra certificates at the pool during practices. Make copies and give them to your friends and family, but remember, the event is only Thursday night, so come one, come all! Thank you for supporting the Roseville Sugarbears by taking your family to dinner.


Friday, May 11, 2007

Swim Buddies - Our Space

The swim buddy assignments and forms completed last night have been entered into our on-line swimmer's database.

Please login and check your assignments and learn more about your buddies. The swimmer's database is accessible from the Sugarbears website's left side menu.
The link is entitled "Buddies & Goals" under the Swimmers section.

Note that this year the coaches have assigned teams of swim buddies, where each team is combining older, mid-age and younger swimmers together.

The swimmer's database allows swimmers to share their preferences, personal goals, goal times and achievements.

Goal sheets will be distributed soon to the swimmers on the pool deck. Or, feel free to enter your goals directly on-line.

For those who may have missed it, this year's coaches rap intro from last night has been posted into our bulletin board under "Fun".

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Parent Kickoff and Swim Suit Reminder

Sugarbears Parent Kickoff Nite Reminder
Tuesday, May 8th at Maidu Community Center.
6:30pm for hors d"oeuvres, boutique and volunteer signups.

Meeting will begin at 7pm and expected to be kept to an hour.

Reminder that 14 hours of volunteer service is required this summer from each swim family.

This is Sugarbears "tough love" in our wishes for everyone having a memorable experience. You and your family will honestly connect and enjoy this season much more when you assist with our swim meets.

Sugarbears Swim Suit Reminder
A reminder that new and returning swimmers need to order their swim suit on or before this Wednesday, May 9th, in order to have their swim suits in time for our team pictures. Click here for details on the swim suits. NorCal will be on the Oakmont Pool deck this Wednesday May 9th to take orders, 4:15-7:00pm. Or stop by our nearby NorCal swim shop on Sunrise Blvd (Near Douglas) before Wednesday evening.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Our Head Timer, Patrick Bussey, Introduced

Just want to take the opportunity to introduce Patrick Bussey, our Head Timer for the Roseville Sugarbears, to our new swim families.

Patrick and his family joined the Sugarbears in 2005. During Tryouts in 2005 Patrick immediately approached and asked "Now how does this work? What can I do to help?".

Patrick is a teacher and the wrestling coach for Oakmont High School. Patrick and his wife Carey have three of their four children on the Sugarbears. Camryn (5), Caitlin (9) and Luke (11). Their fourth child, Levi, just turned one so he is first learning to walk before joining the team. ;-)

To run an effective meet, we typically have a crew of 16 timers work in two 3 hour shifts. That is almost 100 hours of parent volunteer effort required for a single meet in just timing alone!

But no worries. Timing is popular since it is a great way for a swim parent to be close to the action, secure some shade, meet other parents and get their feet wet. No previous experience is necessary and it physically only requires for you to have a single working digit on at least one of your hands.

If you are interested in timing this summer, Patrick is the guy to checkin with. You can also assign yourself directly to a shift (timing or any other task) within our on-line volunteer database. If you don't know the password yet, just ask a coach or fellow swim parent on the pool deck. We appreciate your support!