Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Our Head Timer, Patrick Bussey, Introduced

Just want to take the opportunity to introduce Patrick Bussey, our Head Timer for the Roseville Sugarbears, to our new swim families.

Patrick and his family joined the Sugarbears in 2005. During Tryouts in 2005 Patrick immediately approached and asked "Now how does this work? What can I do to help?".

Patrick is a teacher and the wrestling coach for Oakmont High School. Patrick and his wife Carey have three of their four children on the Sugarbears. Camryn (5), Caitlin (9) and Luke (11). Their fourth child, Levi, just turned one so he is first learning to walk before joining the team. ;-)

To run an effective meet, we typically have a crew of 16 timers work in two 3 hour shifts. That is almost 100 hours of parent volunteer effort required for a single meet in just timing alone!

But no worries. Timing is popular since it is a great way for a swim parent to be close to the action, secure some shade, meet other parents and get their feet wet. No previous experience is necessary and it physically only requires for you to have a single working digit on at least one of your hands.

If you are interested in timing this summer, Patrick is the guy to checkin with. You can also assign yourself directly to a shift (timing or any other task) within our on-line volunteer database. If you don't know the password yet, just ask a coach or fellow swim parent on the pool deck. We appreciate your support!


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