Thursday, September 28, 2006

VFCAL End of Swim Season Meeting

VFCAL End of Swim Season Meeting was recently held on September 18th, 2006 in Auburn. Click here to review the notes from the meeting. Here is a brief outline of the agenda from the meeting:

  1. Dinner
  2. Introductions/Meeting Expectations
  3. 2006 Pre-Season Meetings
    A. Stroke & Turn Meeting
    B. Starters Meeting
    C. Computer Meeting
  4. 2007 VFCAL Swimming Rule Changes
    A. Backstroke starting toe position
    B. Other rule changes upcoming
  5. 2007 VFCAL Championships
    A. Touch pads vs plungers
    B. Meet delays
    1) Swimmers not on blocks at race time
    2) Return to ready bench
    3) Return to scratch session
    4) Deck restrictions
    C. False starts
    D. Other comments or concerns
    E. Spirit award
  6. Changes to VFCAL League/Teams in 2007
    A. Cordova Blue Marlins not participating in Swim Division in 2007
  7. Proposed 2006 VFCAL Swim Schedule
    A. Return to six week season
    B. Swim Champs date July 14th or 21st?
    C. To BYE or not to BYE - June 30th, July 7th, or not at all
  8. Other - Mike Rapozza recognition

No rules or decisions were actually made at the meeting. The VFCAL swim League Representatives will meet over the next few months to review the comments, recommendations and suggestions that were made at the meeting and begin planning for a successful 2007 swim season.

The Sugarbears and Seawolves have jointly requested, that if July 7th is a BYE in 2007, that a dual meet with each other be scheduled for June 30th. If we are fortunate to have a fireworks booth again this year, we may hold our dual meet on July 7th in order to keep the June 30th date open and available for the fireworks booth.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

FFG performs this Friday, September 29th

Coach Jordan's Band, FFG, will be performing this Friday, September 29th at "It's A Grind" on Sunrise and Cirby. Performance is scheduled to begin at 8pm. Sugarbear board members have attended a couple of the band's performances to give it a preview and make sure it would be good to have our swim families attend. The band's music and lyrics are fine, but can be quite loud in live, electrical venues. This performance is recommended since this is an acoustic show and there is also no cover charge. Jordan is joined in the band by his fraternal twin brother, Jarret and their life-long friend, Mike Casewell. Please consider coming out this Friday to give the band a listen and visit with some of your swim buddies during the off-season. Bonus points for Sugarbears to yell out "Aye, Aye Captain" between the songs! Sugarbears ROCK!!

Also a reminder for the Kid's Health & Fitness Expo at the Roseville Sports Complex (near the RAC) from 1pm-4pm today, September 24th. Also FREE Admission!! Hope to see you there!!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Placer Hill Water Polo starting this Friday @ RAC

Click here to view a flyer for more details on a youth water polo program running this Fall. Starting this Friday, September 15th at the RAC for Boys and Girls 14’under. The Fall session runs until October 29th. This is a great opportunity for area kids to get some instruction and game time before they get to high school. Placer Hill will also be following up with Winter, Spring and Summer youth Water Polo sessions.

Monday, September 04, 2006

2006 Sugarbears Evaluation Results Available

Results and responses from our 2006 year end evaluations are now accessible on our Sugarbear website.

Thank you to those that took the time to fill out this year's survey. An effort was made to keep the responses anonymous.

As we continue to grow as a swim team/family, please keep in mind that "lots of hands make little work". Never underestimate what you can do to make our team more special and enjoyable. You can make a difference!