Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Last Call for You To Place an Ad for Child

Hello Sugarbear's Parents:

This is the last call for you to place a personal ad in the Champs Program Booklet wishing your child(ren) good luck at Champs. There will be over 1,500 of the program booklets printed on each day of Champs, both Saturday and Sunday. The deadline for you to place an ad is this Thursday, July 1st at 5pm.

Champs is around the corner, July 17th-18th, as a matter of fact. Every Sugarbear will be swimming at this two-day meet at the Roseville Aquatics Complex (RAC). Each Sugarbear will be swimming every event. At Champs, we will be competing against all the teams we swam against this year:

-Fair Oaks Dolphins
-Del Norte Dolphins
-West Sac Dolphins
-Sunrise Sharks
-Fulton El Camino Dolphins

Size of Ad: Approximately 2" x 2" ad for $20.

Please keep text to a short sentence or two!

You can include a small picture (jpg only) if desired (keep in mind it is a 2" x 2" ad!)

Email text and picture to Shelley Young at: NO LATER THAN 5 pm, Thursday, July 1st.

Payment can be made by check to Roseville Sugarbears, and is due Thursday, July 1st.

Please give your Check to Shelley Young at practice at OHS between 8:00 am and 9:30 am.


Your Sugarbears Parent Board

Monday, June 28, 2010

Place an Ad For Your Child at Champs

Hello Sugarbear's Parents:

Champs is around the corner. July 17th-18th, as a matter of fact. Every Sugarbear will be swimming at this two-day meet at the Roseville Aquatics Complex (RAC). Each Sugarbear will be swimming every event. At Champs, we will be competing against all the teams we swam against this year:
You have the opportunity to place a personal ad in the Champs Program wishing your child(ren) good luck at Champs.

Size of Ad: Approximately 2" x 2" ad for $20.

Please keep text to a short sentence or two!
You can include a small picture (jpg only) if desired (keep in mind it is a 2" x 2" ad!)

Email text and picture to: Shelley Young at:
NO LATER THAN 5 pm, Thursday, July 1st.

Payment can be made by check to Roseville Sugarbears, and is due before Thursday, July 1st.

Please give your Check to Shelley Young at practice at OHS between 8:00 am and 9:30 am.

Regards, Your Sugarbears Parent Board

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Raffle To Be Held at Our Meet This Saturday

Hello Sugarbears Swimmer's and Families:
We will be raffling off a VIP parking pass for Champs at our Saturday's meet, June 26th, with the Sunrise Sharks at Oakmont. Tickets will be $1 each, or 4 tickets for $3.  There will be over 1,200 swimmer's swimming at Champs and parking will be at a premium.  So don't miss your opportunity to get front row parking at Champs which will be held at the Roseville Aquatics Complex (RAC) for two days on July 17-18th.  All Sugarbears swimmers will be swimming every event at this meet.  All the teams in our Conference will be participating in Champs.
We will be selling the raffle tickets starting at 8:00am this Saturday. Participants from both the Sugarbears and Sunrise Sharks are eligible to win.  The drawing for the winner will be announced near event 44.
PLEASE REMEMBER:  Sign-Outs for this meet are closed.  All sign-outs MUST OCCUR ONE WEEK prior to any meet.


Your Sugarbears Parent Board

Monday, June 21, 2010

June Poolside Chat from Renee

Hello Sugarbears Friends and Family:

I, first, apologize for this not going out last week. Try as hard as I might, priorities continued to clobber each other and I just couldn’t get to the bottom of the letter…I’m sure everyone has known that feeling a time or two!

Before we get down to business, I want to take the opportunity to say “Thank You!” to all of the families that assisted with the craziness at our home meet, a week ago Saturday. It was a true test of our family and we passed with flying colors! So many pitched in, no negativity, no divisiveness,, just a large positive infusion of assistance. People displayed creativity, problem solving, and patience in the face of adversity. One word wraps up my thoughts: Grateful! We have a fabulous team! Winning the meet was just icing on the cake.

Two big upcoming events: Our annual Swim-a-Thon is scheduled for tomorrow, June 22nd. As you’ve seen in emails from co-chair Jennifer Cox, this is our primary fundraiser for the team. All of the equipment, all of the socials, all of the fun Fridays are possible due to the generous donations of swimmer families and friends. Please consider participating and involving those in your life. We don’t want the families to carry the burden; if we collect just a small amount, even $10 from grandparents, aunts and uncles, family friends, etc, a swimmer can easily reach the $50/swimmer goal without the family breaking the bank. As a team, we can make a difference.

Our other big event is tomorrow night, June 22nd. We are having a fundraiser at Chevy’s. Everyone that brings a flyer, 25% of the dinner tab (excluding alcohol) will be donated back to the team. WOW!!! Thanks to our Social Chairs for setting up this fundraiser!!! After a hard day of working in the pool, doesn’t a night out with your teammates and friends (away from the water) sound like a great idea?? I’ll be there…if you see me, stop by the table and say hi!! I’ll be looking for all of you too!!!

you must present this flyer when dining at Chevy's on June 22nd:

We’ve made it half way through our meets. All of the swimmers are doing so well; it’s been great to see the names post for Meet of Champions. It’s also been great to watch our new swimmers have such success in the pool with continually dropping those times. It’s been a great year so far!

Our big event is coming up in just 4 short weeks (July 17th-18th)…Eureka Conference Championships!!! Champs this year will be at the Roseville Aquatics Complex (commonly referred to in the swim community as the RAC) and we are considered the hosting team. Jen Hustead, our league rep, has been putting in lots of hours to pull this off. Over the next few weeks, we’ll be looking for volunteers to help with the meet; you’ll likely see sign-ups around the pool deck. This is in addition to your 14 hour minimum requirement.

Thanks to all of you that have committed to assist at every meet, to those of you who have done above and beyond your minimum hours. We know it takes more than 14 hours to make this run. The Board thanks you for your commitment to all of our kids. You’re the reason we can keep moving forward.

It’s Bears vs. Sharks this week in the pool. Here’s to hoping the Bears get a big “W”!!

Your eternally grateful Sugarbears Board Prez,


Thursday, June 10, 2010

Morning Practice Schedule Starts Monday & Upcoming Meet

Hello Sugarbears Swimmer's and Parents:

This is a reminder that ALL practices move to our morning schedule starting this Monday, June 14th.

JUNE 14th-July 16th:

8 and Unders: 9:15am-10:00am
9-12: 8:15am-9:15am
13-18: 6:45am-8:15am


Our Next Meet is This Saturday, June 12th with West Sac. Dolphins


meet theme: Mardi Gras. so decorate your tents or come dressed in costume!!

In order to have a productive swim meet, we still need the following volunteers for this Saturdays meet.

AM & PM starters
PM Stroke & turn
PM timers
PM Ribbons
AM event flipper
PM ready bench

Thank you. Remember you only have a few meets left to get your minimum 14 hours.

Here are some important reminders: Parents need to have their swimmers check-in with the coaches by 7 AM. We had some swimmers at our last meet with Fulton-El Camino who never checked in with the coaches but were at the meet. The coaches scratched them from their events, only later to find out they were there but simply never checked-in with them. Then our Coaches had to re-do the seeding again.

Swimmers should wait to see that their name is actually highlighted on the coach's check-in sheet to confirm the coach got them. Parents can accompany younger swimmers to check-in, but PARENTS SHOULD NOT CHECK-IN FOR THEIR CHILD! It's a good habit to teach your swimmer now! And you can remind the swimmers that arrive at your age group tent. Swimmers that do not check in with the coaches will be scratched from the meet.

Many teams do not seed their swimmers until after the scratch session. We seed the swimmers who will actually be swimming each race based upon their best time for that event. This is what determines their heat and lane assignment. So, the night before the race we may only know which swimmers are swimming which event, and not which heat and lane they will be in. This is also the reason that most teams use a ready bench. We will not know exactly what to expect until we get to the visiting team's pool.


Your Sugarbears' Parent Board

Morning Practice Schedule Starts Monday & Volunteering

Hello Sugarbears Swimmer's and Parents:

This is a reminder that ALL practices move to our morning schedule starting this Monday, June 14th.

JUNE 14th-July 16th:

8 and Unders: 9:15am-10:00am
9-12: 8:15am-9:15am
13-18: 6:45am-8:15am


Our Next Meeting is This Saturday, June 12th with West Sac. Dolphins


meet theme: Mardi Gras. so decorate your tents or come dressed in costume!!

In order to have a productive swim meet, we still need the following volunteers for this Saturdays meet.

AM & PM starters
PM Stroke & turn
PM timers
PM Ribbons
AM event flipper
PM ready bench

Thank you, Remember you only have a few meets left to get your minimum 14 hours.

Here are some important reminders: Parents need to have their swimmers check-in with the coaches by 7 AM. We had some swimmers at our last meet with Fulton-El Camino who never checked in with the coaches but were at the meet. The coaches scratched them from their events, only later to find out they were there but simply never checked-in with them. Then our Coaches had to re-do the seeding again.

Swimmers should wait to see that their name is actually highlighted on the coach's check-in sheet to confirm the coach got them. Parents can accompany younger swimmers to check-in, but PARENTS SHOULD NOT CHECK-IN FOR THEIR CHILD! It's a good habit to teach your swimmer now! And you can remind the swimmers that arrive at your age group tent. Swimmers that do not check in with the coaches will be scratched from the meet.

Many teams do not seed their swimmers until after the scratch session. We seed the swimmers who will actually be swimming each race based upon their best time for that event. This is what determines their heat and lane assignment. So, the night before the race we may only know which swimmers are swimming which event, and not which heat and lane they will be in. This is also the reason that most teams use a ready bench. We will not know exactly what to expect until we get to the visiting team's pool.


Your Sugarbears' Parent Board

Morning Practice Schedule Starts Monday & Volunteering

Hello Sugarbears Swimmer's and Parents:

This is a reminder that ALL practices move to our morning schedule starting this Monday, June 14th.

JUNE 14th-July 16th:

8 and Unders: 9:15am-10:00am
9-12: 8:15am-9:15am
13-18: 6:45am-8:15am


Our Next Meeting is This Saturday, June 12th with West Sac. Dolphins


meet theme: Mardi Gras. so decorate your tents or come dressed in costume!!

In order to have a productive swim meet, we still need the following volunteers for this Saturdays meet.

AM & PM starters
PM Stroke & turn
PM timers
PM Ribbons
AM event flipper
PM ready bench

Thank you, Remember you only have a few meets left to get your minimum 14 hours.

Here are some important reminders: Parents need to have their swimmers check-in with the coaches by 7 AM. We had some swimmers at our last meet with Fulton-El Camino who never checked in with the coaches but were at the meet. The coaches scratched them from their events, only later to find out they were there but simply never checked-in with them. Then our Coaches had to re-do the seeding again.

Swimmers should wait to see that their name is actually highlighted on the coach's check-in sheet to confirm the coach got them. Parents can accompany younger swimmers to check-in, but PARENTS SHOULD NOT CHECK-IN FOR THEIR CHILD! It's a good habit to teach your swimmer now! And you can remind the swimmers that arrive at your age group tent. Swimmers that do not check in with the coaches will be scratched from the meet.

Many teams do not seed their swimmers until after the scratch session. We seed the swimmers who will actually be swimming each race based upon their best time for that event. This is what determines their heat and lane assignment. So, the night before the race we may only know which swimmers are swimming which event, and not which heat and lane they will be in. This is also the reason that most teams use a ready bench. We will not know exactly what to expect until we get to the visiting team's pool.


Your Sugarbears' Parent Board

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

New Coaching Rules

Hello Sugarbears' Swimmers and Parents:

Starting effective immediately, the following rules will be instituted and adhered to by all Coaches during practices and/or swim meets:

1. Each swimmer will be allowed only 1 bathroom break during practice. If more than one bathroom break is requested by any swimmer, that swimmer will have to stay after practice to make-up any of the swim drills they missed during their time in the bathroom.

We are having too many children request to use the bathroom up to 3 times during a practice timeframe.

2. Each Friday practice is now mandatory for all swimmers to attend. If you or your swimmer is practicing in a different age group at practice, we ask that they attend their proper age group practice on ALL Friday's. Medley and Free Relay practice will be held on each Friday. We need all the kids for each Relay and Medley to practice together as team of four.

3. If any swimmer signs-out on-line for a meet LESS THAN ONE-WEEK PRIOR TO ANY MEET, that swimmer will not be allowed to swim at the following meet.

We are having TOO MANY swimmers signing out only a couple days prior to meet, after we have already seeded the meet for that Saturday. This causes a tremendous amount of re-work for the Coaching staff and Computer Ops the morning of the meet.

4. If any swimmers or parents have a concern during any swim meet, you are to discuss it with your Team Parent. In turn, your Team Parent will bring your concern to the Head Team Parent, and she will then discuss it with the Coaches.

There are too many people approaching the Coaching staff during a meet and their primary focus needs to be on Coaching.

We appreciate your help and understanding regarding these new rules. They will help practices and swim meets to run more smoothly and productively.


Your Sugarbears Parent Board
on behalf of the Coaching Staff

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Relay Practice Held Each Friday

Hello Sugarbears Swimmers and Parents:

The Coaches have requested that all swimmers attend EACH Friday practice so we can focus on improving our relay teams.
Winning a relay accounts for the most points awarded per event at each meet. Winning or losing a relay can make the difference between winning or losing a meet.
There are two types of relays: The Medley (four swimmers each swimming one of the four different strokes ) and the Free Relay (four swimmers each swimming 25 yards of freestyle).
Both relay's will be practiced on Friday.

Your Sugarbears Parent Board

Relay Practice Held Each Friday

Hello Sugarbears Swimmers and Parents:

The Coaches have requested that all swimmers attend EACH Friday practice so we can focus on improving our relay teams.

Winning a relay accounts for the most points awarded per event at each meet. Winning or losing a relay can make the difference between winning or losing a meet.

Winning a relay event at our meets, accounts for 7 points per event

Tuesday, June 01, 2010

Important Info about Our Meet with Fulton-El Camino on Sat.

Hello Sugarbears Swimmers and Parents:

Hope you all had a nice Memorial Day Weekend.

Our next swim meet is scheduled for this Saturday, June 5th with the Fulton-El Camino Stingrays. THIS IS AN AWAY MEET. The meet theme this day is: Western. So pull out your cowboy or cowgirl gear and "hoof it on down" to this meet!

Included in this email is some important information about parking at their pool.

Fulton-El Camino Stingrays 6-Lane Pool

3097 Cottage Way
Sacramento, CA

Their home pool is Cottage Pool, located at the intersection of Cottage and Morse, at 3907 Cottage Way, Sacramento, CA.

The pool is right across the street from Kaiser's ER. They have 3 small parking lots along Cottage, in front of their pool and to either side, slightly down the street. These are not big enough for both teams cars, however, there is also parking available in the Kaiser lot which is kitty-corner across the street. This is NOT the main hospital parking lot, but rather medical/ administrative offices that are not open on the weekends, on the southeast corner.


From Oakmont:

start out going west on Cirby Way toward Parkview Dr.
turn left on Riverside Ave
merge onto I80 W toward Sacramento
take the I80 BR/Capital City Freeway exit, Exit 95, toward CA-99 S/Sac
take the Fulton Ave exit
turn left onto Fulton Ave
turn left at Cottage Way

(their pool is Cottage Pool, located at the intersection of Cottage and Morse)

Here are some important reminders:

Parents need to have their swimmers check-in with the coaches by 7 AM. Swimmers should wait to see that their name is actually highlighted on the coach's check-in sheet to confirm the coach got them. Parents can accompany younger swimmers to check-in, but PARENTS SHOULD NOT CHECK-IN FOR THEIR CHILD! It's a good habit to teach your swimmer now! And you can remind the swimmers that arrive at your age group tent. Swimmers that do not check in with the coaches will be scratched from the meet.

Many teams do not seed their swimmers until after the scratch session. We seed the swimmers who will actually be swimming each race based upon their best time for that event. This is what determines their heat and lane assignment. So, the night before the race we may only know which swimmers are swimming which event, and not which heat and lane they will be in. This is also the reason that most teams use a ready bench. We will not know exactly what to expect until we get to the visiting team's pool!


Your Sugarbears Parent Board