Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Our Head Stroke and Turn, Mickey Langley, Introduced

Introducing Mickey Langley our Head Stroke and Turn Judge for the Roseville Sugarbears!

Mickey and her family joined the Sugarbears in 2000. Mickey has been a very dedicated Sugarbear parent.

She greatly assisted through our year of transition in 2005 and served as our Treasurer for three terms in addition to being our Head Stroke and Turn. During the summer of 2006, Mickey battled cancer and also suffered a broken arm. However, neither stopped her from being on our pool deck, leading the way. What dedication! Since there wasn't a retiring swimmer eligible for our Diane Dawson Memorial Award in 2006, Mickey was the recipient of the prestigious award, typically reserved for swimmers, for her dedication and inspiration to the team.

Mickey is joined on the pooldeck with her husband Jon and their two Sugarbears; Moriah (14) and Micah (11). Moriah and Micah both joined the Sugarbears as 6&Unders.

Sugarbears need at least 4 qualified judges at each meet. Two for the first shift and two for the second. There are four judges on the deck during the meet. Two from each team.

For obvious reasons, judges are guaranteed one of the best views of the pool. Judging is one of the volunteer tasks that require training by attending a clinic. This year's Stroke and Turn clinic is scheduled for Tuesday, May 20th at 6pm in Auburn. The clinic typically takes less than 2 hours and the cost is free.

If you are interested in learning how to Stroke and Turn Judge this summer, please contact Mickey. Her contact info can be found in our on-line roster. She would love to hear from you and would be willing to assist and have you shadow as you come up to speed.

Click here to view this year's Stroke and Turn Handbook.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Swim Buddy Nite Rescheduled for May 22nd

Our Swim Buddy Nite has been rescheduled for Thursday, May 22nd.

This was requested by our Sugarbear coaches, in order to give some lingering teens the chance to complete their registration. Sugarbears currrently have over 200 swimmers registered, but we expect to reach a team size around 215.
If Sugarbears have yet to checkout and try out our on-line system, note that the swimmers can add themselves and log their workouts, which will keep track of their number of practices, yardage, daily emotions, workouts and notes.

Sugarbears have their own team password used when logging in as a Swimmer user type.

If you don't know the swimmer's password, please ask the coaches or other swim parents on the pool deck.

Parents can also enter their signouts on-line. Or use the signout book at the pool.
Either method will do. Note for new swim families, that a swimmer must be first be entered into the system using Add Swimmer, to make use of the on-line signouts feature.
A reminder that a swimmer must signout at least 7 days prior to a meet.