Wednesday, February 27, 2008

RAGE Update

There is just a little over a month left before the RAGE (Roseville Aqautics Gala Event) occuring on Friday, April 4th at Maidu Community Center.

Also, please be aware that there is less than a week left for the deadline for sponsorships and donated items to be submitted for the RAGE. The deadline is next Monday, March 3rd. So, if you have yet to approach a business for a donated item, service, or a potential sponsorship, now is the time to do it!

Items and sponsorships can be turned into Monica Bautista, Michael Taylor or Sonya McPhaul. We are now just $500 shy of reaching $10k in value of donated items for the RAGE. Impressive!!

Our RAGE Solicitation letter, Acquisition Form and Invitation letter are available on our Sugarbear website.

Plan to go the RAGE? Be sure and buy your ticket.

There is an on-line option to buy accessible from or
From simply do a search for "Roseville" or "Sugarbears".

We will be advertizing soon in the Press Tribune and with PlacerSports, so don't wait too long to buy your ticket!!

Note that the RAGE is not just a fundraiser. Tickets are reasonably priced at $25/person. This is an annual social event which we are establishing as a yearly kickoff for our aquatic season and also provides an opportunity for our area alumni to gather and reunite on a yearly basis.

So, Get Ready to RAGE!!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Don't be just American IDLE this Spring

Get up off the couch and Spring into action by joining a Spring Swim Clinic or a Lesson being offered by the City of Roseville!

The City of Roseville Spring Aquatics 2008 Guide can be found on-line.

Browse through the guide and select the course number(s) of interest.

The City provides 5 different ways to register, including an on-line WebReg option.

In particular, checkout the Spring Swim Clinics being offered to experienced swimmers to focus on proper stroke technique, race strategy and conditioning.

Already active this spring (beyond video games), or giving additional attention and focus to your school studies?


Consider joining the one week long Competitive Spring Swim Lessons to get you back in the water earlier in prep for this summer without any big commitment on your time.

Do you have a neighbor or younger sibling trying out for the team this year?
Highly recommend the Pre-Competitive Swim Lessons to help them get prepared for tryouts. While younger children are often “swimming like a fish” at the end of Summer, a short week long Spring swim lesson is just the ticket to get them eased back into the water and remove any potential tryout jitters.

The Spring Swim Clinics and Lessons described can be found on page 10 of the Spring Aquatics 2008 Guide and includes the offered age groups, times and locations. Slots are still available for both the Clinics and Lessons.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Coming Soon to the Sugarbear Pool Deck Near You!

Get ready for some additional action and family fun on our pool deck this summer! Our Sugarbear board has approved the purchase of a Weather-proof Outdoor Ping Pong Table!

In addition, Coach Jordan attended our recent board meeting and brought to our attention an available and affordable device to video record underwater. With the device, any video camera with a standard A/V jack can be used.

The device was demonstrated at the Coaches clinic Coach Jordan and Allison attended in Napa. The device, which comes with a pole attachment kit, has also been used up at Sierra College with very favorable results and feedback. Underwater visual viewing of a swimmer's stroke has been proven to be very helpful and valuable. Click here for the vendor's website for the underwater camera device.

So, get ready for a very fun and productive summer. Sugarbears not only ROCK, they have the technological edge!

Some Additional Quick Note and Updates:

RSB Board Meetings
RSB President, Jef Huber, clearly has our Club Cruise’n towards another fantastic and fun-filled summer.
Our Next RSB Board Meeting is Tuesday, March 11th at 6:30PM at the Club Cruise office.

RAGE – Roseville Aquatics Gala Event
Over 50 Tickets have sold for the Roseville Aquatics Gala Event (RAGE) which will be held Friday, April 4th. Tickets can be purchased on-line.
The planning for this event has been going well and we expect to sell out.
Next RAGE planning meeting is Thursday, March 6th at 7PM at Rolf & Carrie Hoehenrieder’s house (of the Aquabunnies).
Deadline for turning in RAGE sponsorships and donated items is March 3rd.

Spring Swim Clinics and Lessons
On-line Registration for City of Roseville Spring Swim Clinics and Lessons begins this Friday, February 15th.

Sugarbear Swim Team Registration
If you swam last summer as a Sugarbear, you should have received your priority registration packet by now in the mail. If not, please call the Roseville Sports Complex at 774-5990.
Deadline for returning priority registration is March 14th.