Monday, August 27, 2007

Back to School!

Hello Sugarbears!

Hope everyone is getting back to school and enjoying themselves; seeing all of their classmates once again, increasing their knowledge and learning lots of new skills.

While parents go over Back to School Forms, please take the 5-10 minutes to enroll for eScrip.

It is a very good program to bring extra and easy dollars into our local schools. You can designate up to three groups who can benefit from your registration. Please consider the Sugarbears, with our GroupID 500004186 as being one of your designated groups. Additional information on eScrip can be found on our Sugarbear website, under our "Ways and Means" section. If you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to ask our board members. In particular, Jef Huber and Michael Taylor are both knowledgeable and supporters of the eScrip program.

A quick reminder that this Friday, August 31st, is the deadline for filling out a Sugarbear survey and becoming eligible for the drawing. Your feedback and suggestions from this past summer is highly valued. Please take the 5 minutes to complete our on-line survey before Friday so it will be included in our summarized reports.

Hope everyone has an enjoyable and safe Labor Day Weekend!


Monday, August 13, 2007

Podcast #29: Go Big! 2007 VFCAL Champs

Jef Huber interviews several Sugarbears during our July 21st, 2007 VFCAL Championship Meet. Click here to listen to the podcast. Highlights include our team cheer and interviews with Luke Bussey, Lauren Sims, Julia and Sarah Thomason. Also our very first and successful experimental trial of a Sugarbear doing an interview! The podcast is 21MB in size and 22 minutes in length. A broadband internet connection is required.

Sugarbears Sponsor, Dr. Mark Holt, hosts an Ice Skating Party

Dr. Holt’s 10th Annual Ice Skating Party


SATURDAY, AUGUST 18th 6:00 to 8:00pm

Come Early- 5:45 to Size Your Skates

At: SKATETOWN 1009 Orlando Avenue, Roseville


Friends Welcome!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

OHS Water Polo Alumni Game

Oakmont High School will be holding their 2nd Annual Water Polo Alumni Game a week from this Saturday, August 18th, from 10:30am to noon at Oakmont Community Pool. Admission is FREE.
Great opportunity for Sugarbears and parents to come out and catch the action and be introduced to the exciting sport of water polo. Great fun. Be sure and sport some of your Sugarbear wear. A Sugarbear T-shirt should draw the attention of some of the players that are current and former Sugarbears.
For example, we hope to see Josh Collison, Jonathan Wieneke, Nick Bennett, Ryan Cole, Kyle Cole, Ryan Cornilsen, Casey Cornilsen and Taylor Rusk to name a few. Note that Oakmont Water Polo Coach, Mark Plank, is a Sugarbear swim parent and also expected to be in action.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

2007 Sugarbears Slideshow now online!

Our 2007 Year End Slideshow is now accessible from the Sugarbears website!

Note that a broadband internet connection is required in being able to download and view.

A great wrap up to a fantastic year. We hope you and your family had an enjoyable season and we look forward to seeing you next summer, back out on the pool deck!

A thank you to David Thomas for creating this year' slide show and a thank you to David Thomas, Jerry Thomason and everyone else who provided photos for this year's show.

Best of luck to our Sugarbears that are competing in this weekend's Meet of Champions!