Saturday, July 28, 2007

MoC Meet Entries for review

Please click here to review the current MoC Meet entries that are to be submitted tomorrow night for the Sugarbears. If there are any additions or changes, please contact the coaches or Stinky before 6pm tomorrow (Sunday), July 29th. Their contact details can be found on our website under the "Coaches "Profile" and "2007 Officers" page of our website.

If you are scheduled to participate in a relay event at the MoC, please honor your commitment to your team mates by attending.

Information on the MoC, including the schedule of the events over the two days can be found on the following site:

Also a quick thank you to those that have completed our Sugarbear Survey.
We have received over 20 surveys so far.

It would be great to receive at least 50 so, if you have yet to fill one out, please take the 5 minutes to provide us with your feedback on this season. Links to the on-line survey and document can be found on our Sugarbear website.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

2007 Sugarbears Year End Survey

The Sugarbears hope you and your family had an enjoyable experience this summer.
For some final housekeeping on this season, please take a minute to fill out a season evaulation. Your feedback is very important to our board, coaches and City of Roseville Parks and Rec department.
On our website, you have your choice of filling out our survey online, or printing out a document which can be filled out and sent into the city. Your choice on which ever way you prefer.
Either method will also put your name in (if provided) for a drawing for a FREE 2008 swimmer registration fee.
Evaluation responses will be summarized and posted shortly after September 1st.

We value your feedback and strongly encourage you to fill out a survey.
Thank you!

Saturday, July 21, 2007

2007 VFCAL Champs Meet is in the books!!

Excellent job today!
We are so proud of ALL our Sugarbears.

Click here to view a report of Sugarbears that went especially big today, by posting an improvement against their seed time!

In addition, click here to view Sugarbear performances that placed in the Top Ten which, to my understanding, should qualify them to this year's Meet of Champions (MoC). The MoC is an optional meet that will be held in Woodland on August 4th and 5th. Please check and talk with your coaches to verify your qualification and participation in the MoC.

The additional reports, such as improvements, top times and high points (both for Champs and Overall Season) have been posted on our website. The previously posted Champs meet results have also been updated to show DQs.

We look forward to seeing everyone at our Awards Night tomorrow! David Thomas has finished our slide show and it eagerly awaits. For those new to the team, David has some mad skills at creating a slide show, so you will not want to miss it.


Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Time to get PUMPED!

A reminder that this Friday night at Maidu Community Center is our PreChamps Party!
Please RSVP using the binder at the pool deck or by contacting Megan Hoppes or Karen Salatti so we know how much food to provide.

Doors will open around 5pm for initial setup and for swim families to begin decorating their cars. The core activities should be underway at 6pm with Sugarbears decorating posters, painting toes, eating and getting pumped. Our Swim-A-Thon awards will be presented from 7-8:30pm, along with the long awaited events of the Captain and Stinky getting their heads shaved and Jameson being transformed into a girl in celebration of our team reaching the goal of raising over $10,000! Woo Hoo!!

Please note that checkin time for Champs on Saturday is 6:30AM!
Scratches will be deletions only. There will be no adds/changes.
Additional information concerning this year's champs, including volunteer assignments, rules and team area map, can be found on our Sugarbear website.

Our Awards Nite is Sunday, July 22nd at Oakmont Community Pool.
Bring your swim suit and towel for an open swim that begins at 6:00pm.
Feel free to bring your own dinner to enjoy on the pool deck or eat ahead of the event.
Awards start at 7:30pm followed by our annual year end slide showing at 9pm.
Swimmers and parents may want to bring a lawn chair or sleeping bag in order to be comfy for the slide show.

Go Big!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

The Final Week

Some quick notes and reminders as we enter our final week before Champs!

Results and additional reports from our meet with Orangevale are now posted on our website. Be sure and fill out your Beary Best forms this final week to claim any prizes. Julie Lawrence is typically at the pool on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings.

Coaches have called an additional practice for tomorrow (Monday, July 16th).
Standard practice times apply.

Pre-Champs party is this Friday, July 20th at Maidu beginning at 6pm.

On our website, we have posted a spreadsheet for the volunteer shifts needing to be filled for Champs. Please note that we have extracted out what is just required of the Sugarbears for Champs and that there are many other jobs, roles and shifts being filled by other teams. Your help in filling our assigned volunteer positions is greatly appreciated. Many hands make little work.

Michele Shafto is the current, main contact for the spreadsheet, but she may elect to have certain heads assist with recruiting certain areas (ie., Head Timer for Timers).

We will also have a copy of the spreadsheet printed and available at the pool deck near the family folders.

The support this year by our Sugarbear parent volunteers has been superb, so let's finish this season off on the high note that it deserves and show the entire league just how well this team really has it together.


Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Sugarbears prepare to go Wikki-Wikki...

Aloha Sugarbears! A reminder that our final home meet is this Saturday with the Orangevale Tigersharks and our Meet Theme is Island!
So, get out those grass skirts, coconuts and perhaps share some colorful leis with your swim buddies!
The progress this year has been remarkable. A large number of you have reached your Personal and/or MoC Goal Times, or just on the verge. Be sure and update your times and achievements in our on-line Buddies & Goals Database, before we head into this final dual meet. We will have our Board of Champions at this meet. So in addition to ringing the bell, we will be updating the board, getting it ready for display at our Pre-Champs Party!
Also a reminder that tomorrow night (Thursday from 5-8pm) is our 8&Under age group social at Hillsborough Park. If you have yet to RSVP, please contact Karen Salatti or Megan Hoppes asap.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Podcast #28: Interviews at 2007 Woodcreek Meet

The StinkyCheeseMan interviews several Sugarbears and coaches during our July 7, 2007 dual meet with the Woodcreek Seawolves. Also includes several interviews with Sugarbear swim parents, such as Jenifer Cox reporting on our awesome Swim-A-thon results, Head of Computer Ops Mike Hynes, Photographer Jerry Thomason, VP Michele Shafto, and our Ribbon ladies. Also includes an interview with Seawolve President Jennifer Pointer and her son, Chris Lomeli, after Chris broke the Seawolve's Boys 15-18 50 yard Backstroke Team Record.
Click here to listen to the podcast. The podcast is 18.5MB in size and 17.5 minutes in length. A broadband internet connection is required.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

8 & Under Social!

A reminder that our 8 and Under age group social is this Thursday, July 12th at Hillsborough Park from 5pm to 8pm.

The social is for this particular age group (8&Unders) and flyers were put in the Family Folders of each 8&Under.

If you have yet to RSVP, please sign the social sheet contained in the vacation book on the pool deck. Or email/phone Karen Salatti or Megan Hoppes. Their contact info is contained in our on-line roster.

Click here for a link to Hillsborough Park and directions.

Lastly, all the additional reports (ie., Improvements, Top Times, High Points, etc) from our WC meet have been posted on our website.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Happy 4th of July! I Love America!

Our Theme for this Saturday's Meet with the Woodcreek Seawolves is "I Love America!". So, be sure and keep the patriotic spirit going and wear your "Stars & Stripes" and "Red, White & Blue" Bear Wear proudly!

A thank you to swim parent Paul Shafto for creating our Board of Champions. If you have yet to see it, be sure and check it out. Paul did an outstanding job. Thank you Paul! The board was designed to not only post Sugarbears who have reached their Meet of Champion (MoC) goal times, but also for Sugarbears to post whenever they achieve a new Personal Best or achieve a Personal Goal above or on their way towards the MoC Goal Times.

MoC Goal Times are the 10th place finish times from last year's VFCAL Champs and are an excellent marker for swimmers to strive and track their progress against. Visually watch the board as we continue to grow and improve as a Sugarbear swim team!

Parents can help by writing their swimmer's name and particular achievements (times) on the supplied metal label rings for the Board of Champions.

A reminder that our Swim-A-Thon pledges are due this Friday, July 6th. Thank you for everyone that participated in our Swim-A-Thon. Excellent! The number of laps completed by each swimmer is accessible on our Sugarbear website.

We are soooo close to our Swim-A-Thon goal. As of 7-3-07 we have raised $7,671.75 towards our $10,000 goal. Here is how you can help get us the rest of the way there:

1. If you haven’t turned in your envelope yet, get it in before Friday so we can get your t-shirts ordered.

2. If you can’t collect all your pledges before Friday, turn in what you have and then turn in the rest as you get them (you can let us know if you have more coming by writing a note on your envelope).

3. Mark a t-shirt size on the envelope if you collected $50 or 10 pledges.

Remember our goal is for EACH swimmer to get about $50 in pledges and every dollar counts. Please turn in envelopes and pledges even if you don’t have the full amount (no amount is too small). We need everyone’s help to get to our goal. We are almost there—lets get those heads shaved (and we really want to see Jameson in a dress).

If you have questions concerning the Swim-A-Thon, feel free to contact Jenifer Cox 780-5433 or Megan Hoppes 773-9608

Thank you for your support. Have a Happy and Safe 4th of July!