Saturday, March 25, 2006

Podcast #9: Julie Lawrence Interview

Roseville Sugarbear Podcast interview of Julie Lawrence. Julie and her family joined the Roseville Sugarbears and organized our "Beary Best" program last summer. Julie provides a fun and enjoyable insight into being a swim family, as well as the "Beary Best" program. Listen to this podcast by clicking here. A broadband internet connection is required. The podcast is 16MB in size and 17 minutes in length. "Beary Best" forms will be available in our family folders in May. But, you can also click here now to view and/or download a copy.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Coming soon to a refrigerator near you!

The coveted 2006 Sugarbear Magnets! These babies will be handed out for FREE to parents of swimmers attending our Parent Kickoff Meeting @ Maidu on Tuesday, May 2nd at 7:00pm.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Podcast #8: Kyle Cole Interview

Roseville Sugarbear Podcast interview of Kyle Cole. Kyle is a long time Sugarbear who started swimming at the age of 5, but took some time off to play football. After playing water polo and swimming for Oakmont this year, his sophmore year, he has decided to return this summer to the Sugarbears. Kyle shares his experiences as a Sugarbear and Oakmont athlete. Listen to this podcast by clicking here. A broadband internet connection is recommended. The podcast is 9MB in size and 9 minutes in length.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Hey Sugarbear Teens, Get Ready to Broomball!

The date has been set. Monday, July 10th from 6:00pm - 9:00pm. Sugarbear Teen Social (ages 13-18) at Skate Town in Roseville for BROOMBALL! Click here to see more info and an actual video clip. Broomball from 6:00-7:30 with pizza immediately following at Skate Town from 7:30pm-9:00pm. Be there or be square.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Priority Registration Cut-off approaching. Ring My Bell this Summer!

A friendly reminder that priority registration cut-off for returning swimmers is this coming Friday, March 10th. Registration can be done at Maidu this year. Thank you City of Roseville.

All five of our coaches from last year have confirmed that they will be returning this summer. Excellent!!

If you haven't had a chance to listen to podcast #6 yet, an interview with Head Coach Megan Henry, please do. Megan and our entire coaching staff ROCKS!! Encountering problems listening to our podcasts? Let us know and see if we can assist. A broadband internet connection is required for some of our larger podcasts. Speakers or headphones for your computer are also recommended. Podcasts are being published onto our Sugarbear website in an effort to increase the communication and bring us closer together as a swim team. Please check it out and let us know what you think.

Our Sugarbear President, Carmen Morel, has put together Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and answers which are now on our website. Please take a look. Excellent job and very helpful.

The Brass Bell is coming Back in 2006! A brass bell on our pool deck during home meets will be allowed to be rung by a swimmer, or their designated swim buddy or parent, when they achieve a new personal best for a particular event. It is a simple, but fun way to celebrate and gain the attention of the swim team on an achievement which is rightfully to be shared. I have a feeling there is going to be a whole lot of bell ringing this summer!!

Click here to listen to a snippet of an appropriate song which will be playing on our pool deck this summer in celebration. Snippet is only 500k in size and 32 seconds in length.

If anyone is willing to create a simple stand for our brass bell, please contact one of our board members. Would be a simple and fun project to do before the season starts.

It won't be long before we will be back on the pool deck!!!
Ringing that bell!!!!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Podcast #7: Paige Hradecky Interview

Roseville Sugarbear Podcast interview of Paige Hradecky. Paige was new to swimming last summer and quickly progressed and earned the Most Improved Swimmer within the 11/12 girls age group. Paige shares her experiences as a Sugarbear and also with California Capital Aquatics (CCA). Listen to this podcast by clicking here. A broadband internet connection is recommended. The podcast is 9MB in size and 9 minutes in length.