Wednesday, July 29, 2009

2009 Roseville Sugarbears Season Evaluation

The Sugarbears hope you and your family had an enjoyable experience this summer.
For some final housekeeping on this season, please take a minute to fill out a season evaulation. Your feedback is very important to our board, coaches and City of Roseville Parks and Rec department.
You have your choice of filling out our survey online, or printing out a document which can be filled out and sent into the city. Your choice on which ever way you prefer.
Either method will also put your name in (if provided) for a drawing for a FREE 2010 swimmer registration fee.
Evaluation responses will be summarized and posted shortly after September 1st.

We value your feedback and strongly encourage you to fill out a survey.
Surveys need to be submitted or returned by August 31st, 2009 to be eligible for the 2010 Registration drawing.
Thank you!


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