Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Hey there Sugarbears:

The swim-a-thon is in one week on June 24th at morning practice. How many pledges do you have? The team goal is $8,500. If each swimmer collects 50.00 which is around 10 pledges we will make our goal. This is the major fundraiser for the team. If we make our team goal the team will have the opportunity to throw water balloons at the coaches at Pre-Champs Party Thurs, July 23rd. FUN! See the prize sheet for the fun prizes.

Why do we have a swim-a-thon? It is a great endurance exercise for the swimmers as it teaches your body to use oxygen more effectively and therefore swim faster. It is also our biggest fundraiser for this summer so we need everyone to participate and help support our team. It will be held on Wednesday, June 24th and envelopes should be turned in by Wednesday, July 1st.

What if swimmer cannot attend the Swim-A-Thon? Swimmers are still encouraged to participate by collecting pledges and winning prizes. Just collect flat donations instead of per lap donations. Remember we can only meet our team goal with all our swimmers participating and helping out.

What is a swim-a-thon? The swim-a-thon is a fundraiser where swimmers ask for sponsors to donate money to them. Each swimmer will swim continuous laps (as many as they can in the allotted time) and then collect the money from their sponsors. The swim-a-thon is held during normal swim practice times. Swim-a-thon donation sheets will be provided in the family folders. You can get more forms and information go to:

Who do I ask for pledges? Ask your friends, family members, neighbors, relatives, parent’s co-workers, and anyone else you might know to sponsor you.

What is the day of the Swim-A-Thon like? The swimmers will be swimming, with volunteers counting the laps. After there will be goodies to reward the swimmers.

What other parent help is needed? We will need lap counters, and people to bring and serve treats on the day of the event. We will have a sign up sheet for people to bring treats and count laps. For forms, envelopes, prizes go to http://www.sugarbears.org/swimathon.htm

Who can I contact if I need help or have more questions?
Please contact either Jenifer Cox 780-5433 nate_jenabc@yahoo.com or Megan Hoppes 773-9608 mlhoppes@comcast.net
Thank you!


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