Sunday, May 03, 2009

Parent Kickoff Meeting this Tuesday, May 5th

A reminder that this Tuesday, May 5th at 6:30pm is our Parent Kick off Meeting.
Meeting is being held at Maidu Community Center.

This is an important meeting for both new and returning swim parents to attend.
With the Sugarbears changing to NorCal, there will be some very important information and changes shared. We will also have a little bit of a Cinco de Mayo celebration, including some virgin margaritas. Attendees will also receive their annual Sugarbear magnet calendar.

There will be no swim practice on Tuesday.

NorCal swim shop will be on our pool decks Wednesday, May 6th and Friday May 8th for swim suit fittings and ordering (5-6:30pm). Or, you can directly visit NorCal swim shop on Sunrise Blvd (near Douglas) to order your swim suit.

Ordering your swim suit before the end of this Friday, May 8th is important, to ensure your swimmer(s) receive their swim suit before our Time Trials/Picture Day.

Go Sugarbears!!!


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