Friday, June 01, 2007

Swim Suit Update

NorCal Swim Shop will be at practice this Friday, June 1, 5:15-7:30 p.m. , handing out remaining swimsuits. NorCal will be taking any suits not picked up by Friday night with them, and will return at 7:00 a.m. Saturday to distribute. (Personalized caps not picked up yet will also be available Saturday morning.) Any suits not picked up by 9:00 a.m. this Saturday will be available for pick-up at the NorCal shop during regular business hours.

FEMALE SIZE 22 SUITS will not be ready this week: NorCal has been informed by the suit distributed (TYR) that the backordered size 22’s will not be available for embroidery until June 5th or 6th. NorCal will make every effort to get these suits to the pool for distribution on Thursday, June 7th. Suits not picked up on June 7th will be available at the NorCal Shop on Friday, June 8th during regular business hours. (No practice this night due to Oakmont graduation.) Any suits not picked up by 6/8 will be taken to the Placerville meet.

NorCal will be bringing 25 solid navy size 22 suits to the pool this Saturday morning to be used for pictures only. The suits may be signed out for at 7:00 a.m. and need to be returned to NorCal immediately after pictures. The women’s restroom will be open from the front walkway for changing into/out of. Although these suits will not have the Sugarbear logo embroidered on them, they will provide a uniform look for pictures. The loaner suits are for pictures only and may not get wet. Please make sure your girls bring a suit from home to use during Time Trials.

If you have any questions regarding the backordered suits, please contact NorCal Swim Shop at 771-7946.


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