Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Beary Best Awards Available on Thurs & Tues

Hello Sugarbears Swimmers:

The long awaited Beary Best Treasure Box will now be available for you to redeem your Beary Best Forms.

Mindy White, parent of a 7-8 Sugarbear girl, has graciously offered to head up this program for our team.

She will have the Beary Best Blue Accordian Folder available on the pool deck on Thursday's and Tuesday's of every week from 8am-10am. Her first appearance will be tomorrow, Thursday,July 8th.

If you have turned in Beary Best Forms in the family folder's marked "Beary Best" please turn them into Mindy and you can pick from a list of prizes. It is on a first-come-first serve basis.

We appreciate your patience with the Beary Best Program.

Thanks to Mindy, this important reward system is now up and running again.


Your Sugarbear Parents Board


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