Fireworks Display and Coaches Review
A reminder that this Wednesday @ 9pm in the Oakmont parking lot, we will have a display and coaches review of fireworks. BYOLC - Bring Your Own Lawn Chair. Also, please help ensure our Sugarbear's safety by keeping the swimmers back from the fireworks. There will be just a select, few parents lighting the fireworks.
Our Fireworks booth will begin setting up tomorrow. We will be open for business at noon on Wednesday, June 28th. The location of our booth is in the Target parking lot (Douglas Blvd and Rocky Ridge). Our website has plenty more details.
Our signup sheet is also available on-line in the "Fireworks" page under "Ways and Means" and also within the "On-line Forms" under "General Info". Please check your signups. If you are able to work an available shift please email or call the StinkyCheeseMan.
Hope everyone has a safe and enjoyable Fourth of July. The Fireworks booth is a great social activity and is also our #1 fundraiser for the team. Your help and support is greatly appreciated.
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